The friendship between 12 year old Mimi and Cadest encounters crises when Cadest breaks their mutual pledge to fix their hair in the same traditional braids hairdo.


(Fic., 12:38 min., DVD, 2010, Video , Color)

Written and Directed by: Alamork Marsha
Produced by: The Sam Spiegel Film & TV School - Jerusalem (JSFS)
Language: Hebrew and Amharic with English subtitles

DVD - For Home Use Only :


The friendship between 12 year old Mimi and Cadest encounters crises when Cadest breaks their mutual pledge to fix their hair in the same traditional braids hairdo.


  • The Jerusalem International Film Festival, Israel, 2010
  • Festival Séfarad, Montreal, Canada, 2011

Press & Links:

  • The friendship between 12 year old Mimi and Cadest encounters crises when Cadest breaks their mutual pledge to fix their hair in the same traditional braids hairdo.


  • The Jerusalem International Film Festival, Israel, 2010
  • Festival Séfarad, Montreal, Canada, 2011