As a diversion from her draining frame work, an Israeli soldier creates an imaginative, childish world, which sets her apart in a mundane routine. When she has to deal with the real military world for the first time, her own world is shattered and undermined.


(Fic., 17:56 min., HD, DVD, 2014)

Written and Directed by: Noa Gusakov
Production: The Sam Spiegel Film & TV School - Jerusalem (JSFS)
Language: Hebrew with English subtitles

DVD Release Date:01 April 2015


As a diversion from her draining frame work, an Israeli soldier creates an imaginative, childish world, which sets her apart in a mundane routine. When she has to deal with the real military world for the first time, her own world is shattered and undermined.


  • Tel-Aviv International Student film festival, 2014
  • Jerusalem International Film Festival, 2014
  • VGIK International Student Festival, Russia, 2014

Additional info



  • Tel-Aviv International Student film festival, 2014
  • Jerusalem International Film Festival, 2014
  • VGIK International Student Festival, Russia, 2014