26 Year-old Neta embarks on a moonstruck journey through the streets of Jerusalem, in search of a different identity.  Characters she meets and the story she creates for herself, could turn her into a princess from a fairy tale, a star in a musical or a model on a big billboard…meanwhile she finds herself.

Me & Everything I'm Not

(Fic., 20:29 min., DVD, 2011, RED HD , Color)

Written and Directed by: Maya Brinner
Produced by: The Sam Spiegel Film & TV School - Jerusalem (JSFS)
Language: Hebrew with English subtitles

DVD - For Home Use Only :


26 Year-old Neta embarks on a moonstruck journey through the streets of Jerusalem, in search of a different identity.  Characters she meets and the story she creates for herself, could turn her into a princess from a fairy tale, a star in a musical or a model on a big billboard…meanwhile she finds herself.