Inspired by unyielding socialist and Zionist ideals, the story of Jewish Mexican youths who immigrated to Israel between the end of the 1940s and beginning of the 1950s is brought to life in this historical documentary. Through interviews and archival materials, this poignant film tells of the experiences, the yearnings, the achievements, and the disappointments that some of the members of the HaShomer Ha'Tsair movement underwent upon their arrival. These youths witnessed unforgettable moments during the birth of the State and in kibbutz life. Days of Youth sheds light upon the Shomer Ha'Tsair movement and unveils a little known chapter in the history of Mexican Judaism and its role in the creation of the State of Israel.
Inspired by unyielding socialist and Zionist ideals, the story of Jewish Mexican youths who immigrated to Israel between the end of the 1940s and beginning of the 1950s is brought to life in this historical documentary. Through interviews and archival materials, this poignant film tells of the experiences, the yearnings, the achievements, and the disappointments that some of the members of the HaShomer Ha'Tsair movement underwent upon their arrival. These youths witnessed unforgettable moments during the birth of the State and in kibbutz life. Days of Youth sheds light upon the Shomer Ha'Tsair movement and unveils a little known chapter in the...
"Días de Juventud de Leonardo Cohen y Pascal Roy (2011 México, Israel, España, Francia, 85) rinde homenaje a una serie de mexicanos-hebreos que emigraron a Israel y desarrollaron una serie de gestiones, encargos y labores dignos de encomio. Pero este documental va más allá del homenaje cuando intenta investigar, a través de sus entrevistados, la verdadera orientación de ciertas organizaciones como Hashomer Hatzair. Cualquiera de los dos directores que realizó la edición de la secuencia en la que el profesor Semo habla de política marxista-socialista, y otro entrevistado rebate sus opiniones, logró un estupendo trabajo, porque la secuencia se convierte en un ping-pong de opiniones plurales de alto vuelo. No obstante, en cuanto al tema en sí, apenas si toca la punta del iceberg."