An invitation to embark on a magical journey into the filmmaker’s amusing life - this film is a mixture of reality and imagination. Mamdouh Afdile is a recent film school graduate waiting for his big break. His brother has other plans for them. And his parents believe in ghost and demons.
JEAN WEJNOON is a wild ride inside one family’s lunacy and in this hysterically funny film we follow the filmmaker as he comes to terms with his family’s demons and attempts to confront his own.
An invitation to embark on a magical journey into the filmmaker’s amusing life - this film is a mixture of reality and imagination. Mamdouh Afdile is a recent film school graduate waiting for his big break. His brother has other plans for them. And his parents believe in ghost and demons.
JEAN WEJNOON is a wild ride inside one family’s lunacy and in this hysterically funny film we follow the filmmaker as he comes to terms with his family’s demons and attempts to confront his own.