Three daughters, one big secret and many unsolved issues. This film follows the courageous attempts of his daughters to uncover the dark secret behind the murder of their father, Israeli Air Force Attaché Colonel Joe Alon. An investigative report that has personal and national dimensions, WHO SHOT MY FATHER applies a story that occurred in 1973 to a contemporary reality that continues to be problematic. The film documents the riveting life of Colonel Alon, and includes interviews with FBI agents, Mossad chiefs, a former American Air Force Chief Commander and other key personnel. A story of intrigue and personal anguish.
Three daughters, one big secret and many unsolved issues. This film follows the courageous attempts of his daughters to uncover the dark secret behind the murder of their father, Israeli Air Force Attaché Colonel Joe Alon. An investigative report that has personal and national dimensions, WHO SHOT MY FATHER applies a story that occurred in 1973 to a contemporary reality that continues to be problematic. The film documents the riveting life of Colonel Alon, and includes interviews with FBI agents, Mossad chiefs, a former American Air Force Chief Commander and other key personnel. A story of intrigue and personal anguish.