In this compelling and often funny tale of recovery and renewal, author and activist Linda G. Mills is propelled by her family’s life-threatening experience of September 11, 2001 to return to the site of her mother’s flight from Vienna in 1939. Accompanied by her comically restless ten-year old son and highly opinionated mother, Linda discovers unsettling truths that upend familial and historical myths.
An unconventional documentary that brings the lessons of history into the present through the eyes of an often irreverent ten-year-old boy. A startlingly humorous adventure spanning five generations.
In this compelling and often funny tale of recovery and renewal, author and activist Linda G. Mills is propelled by her family’s life-threatening experience of September 11, 2001 to return to the site of her mother’s flight from Vienna in 1939. Accompanied by her comically restless ten-year old son and highly opinionated mother, Linda discovers unsettling truths that upend familial and historical myths.
An unconventional documentary that brings the lessons of history into the present through the eyes of an often irreverent ten-year-old boy. A startlingly humorous adventure spanning five generations.
The September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks left writer and professor Linda Mills not only struggling to answer her 10-year-old son’s questions about the tragedy but bringing up memories of growing up in a family of Holocaust survivors.
For the entire review by Carol Holzberg/, check:
Auf Wiedersehen: ‘Til We Meet Again **1/2
On 9/11, filmmaker Linda G. Mills’s son, Ronnie, who was attending public school in lower Manhattan, witnessed the destruction of the World Trade Center. Five years later (for reasons not entirely clear), Mills decided to link Ronnie’s experience with the forced exile of her Jewish mother, Annie, from Vienna in 1939. Traveling with the now 10-year-old Ronnie and the rather opinionated Annie, Mills arrives in Vienna to explore her family’s history and the fate of Austria’s Jews during the Holocaust. Auf Wiedersehen (co-directed by Brian Dilg) works best when it focuses on historical subject matter, particularly the rarely told story of how the Nazis forced Jewish community leaders into coordinating the imprisonment and deportation of Vienna’s Jews.
For the entire review in The Video Librarian, check: