The story of Prof. Shaul Harel is the tale of resilience of all the hidden Jews in Belgium. This gentle film allows a peek at a very personal story which embodies the courage and perseverance of those who survived the Holocaust. The story of the Jewish community in Belgium has not been previously explored and in this touching film we meet adults who survived the war and went on to become successful –and even happy adults. A remarkable story told through the experiences of a remarkable man.
The story of Prof. Shaul Harel is the tale of resilience of all the hidden Jews in Belgium. This gentle film allows a peek at a very personal story which embodies the courage and perseverance of those who survived the Holocaust. The story of the Jewish community in Belgium has not been previously explored and in this touching film we meet adults who survived the war and went on to become successful –and even happy adults. A remarkable story told through the experiences of a remarkable man.
An extraordinary tale of hope amid the ashes of genocide, Children Without a Shadow is unforgettable. For the entire review, check:
The film, with its warmth and humor, elicits a range of emotions in the viewer: admiration for the courage of those who overcame the terrible circumstances of their childhood and forged new and successful lives; gratitude for the extreme bravery of those, Jews and Christians alike, who risked everything to rescue Jewish children; and acclaim for those skilled professionals who produced this touching film in which courage and humanity ultimately triumph.
For the entire review by Debby Lieberman/Ezra Magazine, check: