Crossing Borders tells the story of Aisha Sidawi and Umiya Abu-Ras, two Palestinian Israeli women struggling to achieve equality against the men in their lives; are taking part in a political activity which was until now an “only men” arena; and are wrestling to cross both personal and political boundaries. Their straggles - the personal one at their homes with family members to reach independence and equality and the political one at their Palestinian community in Israel and in the Palestinian authority to defend its weak members – fortify and support each other.
Crossing Borders tells the story of Aisha Sidawi and Umiya Abu-Ras, two Palestinian Israeli women struggling to achieve equality against the men in their lives; are taking part in a political activity which was until now an “only men” arena; and are wrestling to cross both personal and political boundaries. Their straggles - the personal one at their homes with family members to reach independence and equality and the political one at their Palestinian community in Israel and in the Palestinian authority to defend its weak members – fortify and support each other.
"Men feel most comfortable when their women sit at home and think only about cooking, clothes, how much money they will bring, how much they can get from them,” Aisha Sidawi says as she cooks in her pistachio-green kitchen. “They think that’s all she needs.” These are the opening words of Crossing Borders, winner of two first prizes at the 2007 Jerusalem Film Festival and highest honors at the Other Israel Film Festival in New York, dedicated to portraying the lives of the Arab citizens of Israel."
For the entire review by Karin Tanabe/Moment Magazine, March 2008, check: