The 1982 peace agreement with Egypt obliged thousands of people to leave their homes in the Sinai desert. From the options they were given by the Israeli government, many chose "Gush Katif" in the Gaza Strip as their new home. To progress the peace process, the Israeli government ordered the evacuation of the Gaza Strip on August 2005. This decision created political and social turmoil. The evacuation was to be the most complex and sensitive mission ever to be undertaken by the police forces. This movie is about emotions, beliefs, conscience and true brotherly love. It is a story of humanity in its finest hour. This is the story of brothers in heart…
The 1982 peace agreement with Egypt obliged thousands of people to leave their homes in the Sinai desert. From the options they were given by the Israeli government, many chose "Gush Katif" in the Gaza Strip as their new home. To progress the peace process, the Israeli government ordered the evacuation of the Gaza Strip on August 2005. This decision created political and social turmoil. The evacuation was to be the most complex and sensitive mission ever to be undertaken by the police forces. This movie is about emotions, beliefs, conscience and true brotherly love. It is a story of humanity in its finest hour. This is the story of brothers...
"Just a few years ago, the Israeli police and army successfully evacuated the settlements of Gush Katif, in what was called "the disengagement". A human and emotional look at the turmoil of the disengagement can be seen in the documentary film, Storm of Emotions, directed by Yael Klopmann (83 min., 2007). The film includes a fascinating section on the simulation training and role-playing that the police and army underwent in preparation for the disengagement. Their readiness was thorough."
For the entire review by Amy Kronish, check Kronish's blog click here
“…The Middle East theme continues with a surprise on the short list
“…I’ll admit I like films with a bit of action and horror. So if you are looking for such scenes, this is not the film. What surprised me most was the organized, non-violent way in which the Israeli authorities behaved. Despite being cursed and called things such as “Nazis”, and traitors, I’d say they showed tremendous restraint. I’d always held the belief that life in Israel was always a state of chaos, bloodshed and civil war. If I learned anything, it is the antithesis.”
Tari Trott, The Royal Gazett, March 2007
"Storm of Emotions," a documentary on the agonizing evacuation of Jewish settlers from their Gaza Strip homes, is the first Israeli production in decades to have a serious shot at Oscar honors. A close-up and personal account of the "disengagement" operation in August 2005, the film has been short-listed among the 15 contenders in the best documentary feature category by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.”
For the entire article by Tom Tugend/Jewish, Feb., 2007, click here
“The Israeli documentary Storm of Emotions being presented at the Triplex in Great Barrington, Mass., this weekend 'Storm of Emotions' is an amazing piece of cinema that gives you a front seat view of history as it’s being carried out (this is a here and now doc, all filmed as it’s happening, not a retrospective look back with talking-heads commentary. The film offers a rare look at what goes into what is ostensibly the complex planning for carrying out and executing the evacuation of an entire population of your own countrymen who believe they are being treated unfairly.”
For the entire article by Seth Rogovy, editor-in-chief and critic-at-large, BERKSHIRE LIVING Magazine, click here
An article by Thomas Mclean from Variety about Storm of Emotions, for the article click here