The unique story of the four Cahana sisters reveals a one-of-a-kind family drama that took place in the Nazi camps during the final year of World War II. The movie follows the ongoing attempts of the sisters to rebuild their lives after the war, in present day Israel, where the shadow of death continues to loom.

The Cahana Sisters

(Doc., 52 Min., DVD, 2007)

Written by: Gilad Melzer and Gidi Avivi
Directed by: Gilad Melzer
Produced by: Amir Harel, Gidi Avivi & Gilad Melzer
Supported by: Yes Doco & The New Foundation for Cinema & Television

DVD - For Home Use Only :


The unique story of the four Cahana sisters reveals a one-of-a-kind family drama that took place in the Nazi camps during the final year of World War II. The movie follows the ongoing attempts of the sisters to rebuild their lives after the war, in present day Israel, where the shadow of death continues to loom.

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  • University of Denver
  • Yad VaShem Visual Center
  • US Holocaust Memorial Museum
  • Arizona State University