New Releases

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  1. The Pin

    The Pin

    (Fic. 85 min. HD, DVD, 2013)

    Written & Directed by: Naomi Jaye
    Cast: Milda Gecaite, Grisha Paternak
    Produced by: Daniel Bekerman
    Supported by: Ontario Arts Council, Canada Council for the Arts
    Language: Yiddish with English subtitles

    Two young people hid in the same barn during the harrowing days of World War II. This touching romance in Yiddish is a universal story of love and devotion over the years.

    DVD - For Home Use Only :

  2. The Israeli Code

    The Israeli Code

    (Doc. 50 min, DVD, 2013)

    Directed by: Ayelet Dekel
    Written: with Alex Levac, Prof. Gad Yair
    Produced by: Hagit Segal
    Sponsored by: Israel Channel 8
    Languages: Hebrew with English subtitles

    A journey into the Israeli public sphere where sociologist Gad Yair and photojournalist Alex Levac join in to try and understand some of the DNA of Israeli society.

    DVD - For Home Use Only :

  3. Choose to Fight

    Choose to Fight

    (Doc 51 min, DVD, 2013)

    Written and Directed by: Itay Livne
    Produced by: Itay Livne – FilmsForAChange
    Sponsored by: Israel Channel 2
    Language: Hebrew with English subtitles

    An extraordinary childhood of rigorous training entangled by complex family relationships in the ring that is shadowed by the weight of the past.

    DVD - For Home Use Only :

  4. Saga of a Photo

    Saga of a Photo

    (Doc. 82 min, DVD, 2013)

    Directed by: Mooli Landesman
    Produced by: Tslil Landesman - Sadot Productions
    Sponsored by: IBA Channel One
    Language: Hebrew with English subtitles

    For a moment in time one photo exposed the joy of filmmaker Mooli Landesman grandparents' wedding in 1926 in Berlin. A moment later, everything will turn upside down.

    This is a story about love and a love story that crosses borders – both physically and emotionally.

    DVD - For Home Use Only :

  5. Footsteps in Jerusalem

    Footsteps in Jerusalem

    (Doc. 90 min, DVD, 2013)

    Conceived by: Renen Schorr
    Artistic Advisors: Yael Perlov, Dan Geva
    Directed by: David Perlov, Dan Geva, David Ofek, Nadav Lapid, Benjamin Freidenberg, Moran Ifergan, Yarden Karmin, Amichai Chasson and Elad Schwartz, Boaz Frankel and Yair Agmon, Nayef Hammoud and Yotam Kislev
    Sponsored by: Israel Channel 8, The New Fund for Cinema and Television, The Jerusalem Development Authority, The Jerusalem Film and Television Fund
    Subtitles: Hebrew and Arabic with English subtitles

    A tribute to David Perlov, the forefather of modern Israeli documentary cinema and to his 1963 revolutionary film In Jerusalem.

    DVD - For Home Use Only :

  6. Tikotin- A Life Devoted to Japanese Art

    Tikotin- A Life Devoted to Japanese Art

    (Doc. 59/77 min, DVD, 2013)

    Directed by: Santje Kramer
    Executive Producer: Erica Reijmerink, Sarphati Media
    Sponsored by: Jewish Broadcaster – The Netherlands, Stichting Felix Tikotin Foundation - The Netherlands
    Language: Dutch and English with English subtitles

    a famous German Jewish art dealer travels all over the world -and two World Wars later and a series of personal hardships, a museum of his life’s work is set up on Mount Carmel in Haifa, Israel.

    DVD - For Home Use Only :

  7. Leo Levi - The Man With the Nagra

    Leo Levi - The Man With the Nagra

    (Doc. 69 min, DVD, 2013)

    Written and Directed by: Yaala Levi Zimmerman
    Produced by: Yaala Levi Zimmerman and Yohanna Levi
    Language: Hebrew and Italian with English subtitles

    A tribute to one unique man, which is at the same time an exploration of the beautiful and enduring Jewish community in Italy.

    DVD - For Home Use Only :

  8. Violetta Ma Vida

    Violetta Ma Vida

    (Documentary, 50min, DVD, 2012, HD, color)

    Written and Directed by: Or Sinai
    Production: The Sam Spiegel Film & TV School - Jerusalem (JSFS)
    Language: Hebrew and Spanish with English subtitles

    12 year old Violeta has a rare bone disease. But despite the hardships she and her mother Debora face, they are determined to have the best bat mitzvah celebration they can.

    DVD - For Home Use Only :

  9. The Kalusz I Thought I Knew

    The Kalusz I Thought I Knew

    (Doc 28 min. –DVCam/DVD 2013)

    Produced and Directed by: Bernard Dichek
    Written by: Bernard Dichek & Yana Lerner
    Language: English and Ukrainian with English subtitles

    Ever wonder about the distant place where your parents grew up? What does it look like today? What are the people like? When the son of Holocaust survivors travels to his parents' hometown in Eastern Europe, the stories he heard as a child come alive in unexpected ways.

    DVD - For Home Use Only :

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