Conversations with the legendary Simon Wiesenthal. Filmmaker Inna Rogatchi and her artist husband were friendly with the famous Nazi-hunter, and in series of intimate talks featuring new, as well as previously unreleased historical material, we are privileged to learn from this courageous man.
Over a period of time and in chain of friendly conversations with the filmmaker, Simon Wiesenthal shares his insights into the psychology, philosophy and sociology of the Holocaust, and its implications to this day. The universal appeal of his message continues to be relevant, and this film provides unique insight in the lessons of survival and actively opposing evil.
For updated information about LESSONS OF SURVIVAL, check:
Conversations with the legendary Simon Wiesenthal. Filmmaker Inna Rogatchi and her artist husband were friendly with the famous Nazi-hunter, and in series of intimate talks featuring new, as well as previously unreleased historical material, we are privileged to learn from this courageous man.
Over a period of time and in chain of friendly conversations with the filmmaker, Simon Wiesenthal shares his insights into the psychology, philosophy and sociology of the Holocaust, and its implications to this day. The universal appeal of his message continues to be relevant, and this film provides unique insight in the lessons of survival and actively opposing...
"I saw Inna Rogatchi's film THE LESSONS OF SURVIVAL: CONVERSATIONS WITH SIMON WIESENTHAL at the Jewish International Film Festival in Sydney in March. It stays with me still - the beauty of this extraordinary film, the shock of the beauty."
For the entire review by Pamela Clements, check:
for more about the creator and this important project:
"I saw Inna Rogatchi's film THE LESSONS OF SURVIVAL: CONVERSATIONS WITH SIMON WIESENTHAL at the Jewish International Film Festival in Sydney in March. It stays with me still - the beauty of this extraordinary film, the shock of the beauty."
For the entire review by Pamela Clements,
Peter Krausz. An Important Record For Generations To Come:
Inna Rogatchi at the Australian Sunday TV Journal, SHTIK TV, March 2015
Greg King is a notable film critic who runs well-known and popular cinema site and hosts radio programme on cinema:
Radio Interview with Greg King at the Holocaust Film Series ( International Jewish Film Festival), Melbourne, Australia, March 2015:
Peter Krausz is the Australian leading film critic, regular member of FIPRESSI jury at international festivals, and former Chairman of the Australian Film Critics Association:
Mitch Byatt is popular presenter of the leading university & intellectual radio in Sydney:
Inna Rogatchi's interview with the presenter Mitch Byatt at the Sydney 2ser Breakfast programme, Holocaust Film Series of the Jewish International Film Festival, Sydney, Australia, March 2015:
This documentary serves as an excellent introduction to the life and work of Wiesenthal, and it is an important addition to the body of works that provide first person testimonies about the Holocaust. In these conversations, Wiesenthal explains why it was essential for Jews to take a leading role in hunting down Nazi war criminals, both in terms of Jewish self-esteem and in terms of capturing these criminals. Had it not been for Wiesenthal and his compatriots, many of these killers would have escaped justice. This is because after a few big show trials, the allies lost interest in tracking down former Nazis. Worse, in many cases, they where complicit in helping Nazis hide because they had skills that the allies wanted to exploit.
For the entire review by Boris Segal/The Jewish Eye, check:
Filmmaker Inna Rogatchi talks about her Film "The Lessons of Survival" and about Simon Wiesenthal in the Special TV Programme AlfaStudio ( AlfaTV Finland, September 2014, 45 min):
The Lessons of Survival -review & profile in Israel National News
Lessons of Survival Film at the European Parliament :
Peter Krausz' review on the IMDb site: