Jewish Life

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  1. Just Like Home

    Just Like Home

    (Doc., 58 Min., DVD/MiniDV, color, 2009)

    Written and Directed by: Alexander Gentelev
    Produced by: Sasha Klein and Maya Zinshtein - S.M.S. Productions
    Language: Russian with English Subtitles

    A Moscow orphanage for Jewish children is the setting for this moving story. This gentle film offers a rare glimpse at life in a home with thirty children and two “parents” who refuse to give up hope.

    DVD - For Home Use Only :

  2. New Homes

    New Homes

    (Doc., 54 Min., DVD/MiniDV, color, 2009)

    Director: Radames Vieira
    Produced by: André Sztajn and Solange Amado -ProSol
    Language: Portuguese with English Subtitles

    Told here for the first time is the fascinating story of Nilopolis, a suburb of Rio de Janeiro where a fertile community was built by Jews from Eastern Europe in the early decades of the 20th century.

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  3. Children Without a Shadow

    Children Without a Shadow

    (Doc 66 min. DVD/BETA, 2009)

    Written and directed by: Bernard Balteau
    Produced by: DERIVES/ Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne
    Sponsored by: RTBF (Télévision Belge)

    A remarkable story told through the experiences of a remarkable man. As a child of four Prof. Shaul Harel was hidden in Belgium during World War II. His story is the story of the resilience of the spirit.

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  4. The Phoenixes

    The Phoenixes

    (Doc., 56 Min., DVD/MiniDV, color, 2009)

    Directed by: Yoram Hoenig
    Produced by: Micha Shagrir
    Language: Hebrew, English Subtitles

    The profound and moving stories of seven holocaust survivors who have played a significant role in the development of the Israeli society.

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  5. I had a dream

    I had a dream

    (Doc., 52 Min., DVD/MiniDV, color, 2009)

    Directed by: Tezeta Germay
    Produced by: Micha Shagrir, Tapuz Communication Ltd
    Language: Hebrew,Amaharic, English subtitles

    As a young boy, born into a closed and isolated community in Ethiopia, far from the centers of the Jewish world, Yona Bugale was brought to Europe, where he discovered his common heritage with the Jewish people. Though he himself did not live to see the realization of his dream and life’s work, he worked ceaselessly as a teacher and community leader, in order to prevent the possible destruction of Ethiopian Jewry.

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  6. Tarab


    (Doc 78 min. DVD/miniDV color, 2009)

    Directed by: Boris Maftsir
    Produced by: Zvi Shefy
    Language: Hebrew with English subtitles

    The Journey of author Eli Amir and Filmmaker Boris Mafstir in search of identity and memory. Boris Maftsir sets out to trace the memories and personal identity of his friend Eli, and in the process encounters his own buried memories from the distant past in the Former Soviet Union.

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  7. The Fire Within

    The Fire Within

    (Doc., 60 Min., 2008, DVD/BETA, Color)

    Written, Directed & Produced by: Lorry Salcedo Mitrani
    Language: English & Spanish with English Subtitles

    The survival of spirit, belief, and heritage. This is the story of the unique Jewish community of Iquitos. Original Jewish traditions became mixed with indigenous Amazonian life creating an authentic and practically unknown Jewish tradition.

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  8. Gut Shabbes Vietnam

    Gut Shabbes Vietnam

    (Doc., 52 min. DVD/BETA, color, 2008)

    Written and Directed by: Ido & Yael Zand
    Produced by: Zandoco
    Sponsored by: Channel 8-Israel
    Language: Hebrew, English, Yiddish, Vietnamese with English or French Subtitles


    A clash of cultures is at the core of this uplifting documentary. A young Israeli couple who are emissaries of the Chabad Movement are sent to Vietnam - on a one-way ticket- to encourage and create a Jewish community in this Communist country.

    DVD - For Home Use Only :

  9. My Flag

    My Flag

    (Doc., 58 min., DVD/Digibeta, color, 2008)

    Written & directed by: Igal Hecht
    Produced by: Igal Hecht, Chutzpa Productions Inc.
    Language: Hebrew with English Subtitles.

    "What does the Israeli flag mean to you?" A heartfelt, comic documentary that explores the crisis of identity that many in Israel now face and offers insight into what the future holds for the nation. 

    DVD - For Home Use Only :

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